
Get Free Zemana AntiLogger v1.9.2.185 For One Year (Softpedia OEM Offer Save $34)


Hi Friends, since many days I an inactive on COMPUTELOGY. I have started a new project almost 3 weeks ago and I am still working on it. It will be a good news for COMPUTELOGY readers. You can guess or …
LAlarm licenses have been eMailed to the winners. There are few winners, who will get their licenses by tomorrow, are still remaining. It is my laziness.
Almost every user of Windows OS is using at  least one security software e.g. F-Secure IS, BitDefender IS, Norton IS, Kaspersky IS, etc. These are the security software which claim to provide you complete security. If we think in respect of AntiVirus and Firewall, they are right but if we add other sort of Malwares, we need more specialized security software. For Logger type of threats, Zemana AntiLogger is the best choice.
Now you have the chance to Get Free Zemana AntiLogger. This is a Softpedia offer and I do not know how long it will last. This is a public offer. You better be in hurry to get it. It is highly recommended security software along with AntiVirus, AntiFirewall, AntiSpyware and LAlarm.
I Googled to find any other AntiLogger but first 10 pages have Zemana intro and links. I did not try more.
SSL Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)  128-bit encryption reliably secures data during online shopping and high-value financial transactions. Unfortunately, a new generation of spyware grabs your data just before it becomes safely encrypted!Zemana AntiLogger’s unique proactive protection prevents your personal information from being stolen while you are conducting online banking transactions or e-commerce using an encrypted 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!) Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it’s switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.
Key Logger protection: Keyloggers record whatever you type by monitoring the keyboard. This renders most security useless, but not Zemana AntiLogger!
Clipboard Logger protection: Copying, cutting and pasting sends potentially sensitive data to your Windows clipboard where malware can get at it. Fortunately, Zemana AntiLogger deals with all attempts at malicious monitoring, including memory capture.
Screen Logger protection: Just as you can take a screen capture, screenlogger malware snaps the screen at your most vulnerable moments, e.g., when you are plugging in sensitive data such as bank account information with VirtualKeyboard. Zemana Anti-Screen Logger spots this suspicious activity in ways that go beyond the standard, signature-based anti-logging algorithms
System Defense: Malware likes to get at your registry, your physical memory (RAM), and other sensitive areas so it can inject malicious code and seize control of your PC. Zemana AntiLogger guards against all this, securing the very heart of your machine.
Get Free n Registration:
Simply open the following web address into your browser, download the latest Zemana AntiLogger and install it.
(web address copy n paste)
Restart your system. After restart, Zemana AntiLogger will ask you to Activate your copy of Zemana. You need to connect to Internet, press button Agree and Activate Now and let it get activation.
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After activation, it will give you exact 365 days of subscription.

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I was already using Zemana AntiLogger. The only reason to install Softpedia version on my personal laptop is its version is latest. I was using v1.9.2.172. I tried to update it. I received message that I were using the latest release. I can see it clearly that Softpedia offer of Zemana release is different and latest. I installed it. Strange!!!

Softpedia version of Zemana AntiLogger

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My previous installed Zemana AntiLogger v192172 which told me that I were using the latest even though Softpedia’s offered is latest.
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